WHC is a beehive of activity throughout the week, but most people encounter us for
the first time during one of our three weekly worship services.
Our services at 10 a.m. Sundays are probably closest to what you may have experienced
if you attended church when you were younger. It’s when you’ll typically find men
and women dressed in their “Sunday best,” but no particular attire is expected or
You’ll want to arrive early to get oriented, to make sure any children you have
brought with you are settled into their classes (Kid Harvest opens at 9:30 a.m.)
and to be seated. The tabernacle, or sanctuary, opens at 9 a.m. Many people arrive
early to be seated, but our large screens make it easy to see what’s happening from
anywhere in the room. Services typically last around two hours.
At our Sunday-evening services, which begin at 7 p.m., we hope you’ll feel free
to dress comfortably and casually. The format of our evening services varies, and
often includes guest speakers. Sunday-night services typically are between 90 minutes
and two hours long.
WHC also gathers as a family on Wednesdays, and it’s an ideal place to bring your
family at the end of your day. Dress is come as you are, and the services focus
on teaching from God’s Word. There is a separate service for youth and children’s
ministries available as well. Everything typically wraps up by 8:30 p.m.
The worship music you’ll hear in our services is a blend of old hymns you may remember
from childhood, today’s contemporary worship music and everything in between – all
delivered in a spirit of excitement about who God is and what He’s done for us.
Teachings and sermons will convince you of the incredible reality of God’s love
and challenge you to live for Him – not only during our worship times together,
but throughout the week.
And what about the kids? Well, they’ll be begging you to bring them to Kid Harvest
each and every week! Children from nursery to 5th grade love learning about Jesus
in an affirming, caring atmosphere.
We know you’ll enjoy your time with us, and we look forward to welcoming you into
our congregation.