We understand if your initial reaction to WHC is, “But it’s so. . .big!” And yeah,
it is. But we didn’t set out to create a big church. We set out to honor God, and
it turns out that describes a lot of people in this area!
Our size is only intimidating if you allow it to be – and we can help you find the
place you fit best, with people who’ll become life-long friends. When you’re part
of a big church, you can get involved in big, life-changing things – like freeing
thousands of slaves in war-torn Sudan, feeding the hungry across the nation and
around the world, saving the lives of unborn babies, influencing legislation in
Washington and spreading the Gospel to millions by television. At WHC we
do all that and more – and we welcome you to join us, starting right where you are.
Whether your ‘thing’ is rocking a baby to sleep, feeding a hungry family, singing
praises to an awesome God or anything else, there’s a place for you to serve God
at WHC.
We believe church shouldn’t be “one size fits all.” Just as different members of
your family have different needs, we offer programs for all the members of your