Frequently Asked Questions
Where is WHC?
Since 1987, WHC has met at 4595 Gender Road on the East side of Columbus,
about five miles south of the Brice Road exit off Interstate 70 and roughly three
miles north of U.S. Route 33.
When are services held?
WHC holds three regular weekly services: 10 a.m. Sundays, and
7 p.m. Wednesdays.
A Sunday-evening service is also scheduled monthly; check our
home page for information about the next scheduled services. Sunday-evening services start at 7 p.m.
Pastor Parsley is involved in a lot of stuff. How involved in this
church is he, really?
Pastor Parsley has often said that if never had the opportunity to be host a television
show, preach in churches and other venues across America, do humanitarian work around
the world or influence moral values in the public square, he’d still be a pastor.
WHC is not only the flagship outreach of the ministry he’s built for more
than 30 years, but also the place where his skills and his passions are most fully
realized. He is involved in every aspect of the church’s operations, and there is
no reason to expect that will change anytime soon.
What do you have for kids?
Our intent is to have the most family-friendly church in Columbus, both so young
children can experience God in a way that makes sense for them and so their parents
can worship Him without distraction or concern for their kids’ safety. We offer
a nursery (birth-age 3), preschool (age 3-kindergarten) and junior church (grades
1-5) for every service. Our trained teachers are dedicated both to your children’s
safety and to ministering the Gospel to them.
Our opportunities for children and youth also include Royal Rangers and MPact Girls, Christian organizations similar to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts respectively, which meet at 7 p.m. Wednesdays.
here for more information.
What do you have for teens?
Our Next Harvest Youth program meets on Wednesday nights on the campus of Valor
Christian College, sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in relevant ways with area
teens. Monthly events at other times of the week, called Next Harvest Branches,
are held as well. Click
here for more information.
How do I become a member?
It’s pretty easy – if you want to be a member of WHC, you can be! One-hour membership
classes are held monthly before Sunday-morning services. The classes help you understand
more about our vision and how you can be part of it. Click
for more information.
Do you have Bible studies or other small groups?
Life Groups are in-home gatherings of eight to 20 people who meet on a regular basis
for fellowship, Bible study and prayer, separately from the weekly worship service.
New Life Groups exist throughout greater Columbus; each is led by one or more mature
Christian leaders who will accept you as you are, strengthen your faith and encourage
you during life’s difficult times. A Life Group is a connection to a growing church
and an awesome God. To find or form a home group in your neighborhood, click
How else can I get involved in the ministry?
WHC is the flagship outreach of Pastor Rod Parsley, one of America’s foremost
Christian leaders. Joining this congregation makes you a part of a ministry with
a 30-year track record, including a television program broadcast worldwide, a K-12
school, a Christian college and a pro-life medical clinic for women. Your opportunities
to serve the Kingdom of God here are limited only by your energy level and your
willingness to serve. Click
here for more information.