Youth Ministry

There’s nothing wrong with pizza parties and video-game tournaments. But they’re no substitute for reaching young people with the relevant and passionate message of Jesus Christ. At WHC we’ve developed Next Harvest, which exists to take the reality of God into every area of the student life. We connect to students in grades 6-12 through worship experiences, small groups and exciting events, all focused on helping students grow relationally with God and others. Also included are three special programs for ages 5-12: Royal Rangers, a distinctly Christian alternative to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts; MPact Girls, a program designed to help young girls become godly women; and Momentum Dance Team, which uses hip-hop and creative arts to minister to participants and those they touch.

To become a Next Harvest volunteer, or to learn more, call the Pastoral Care office at (614) 837-1990, ext. 312.
Extra, Extra
Our children's ministry is always looking for volunteers. Inquire before or after WHC services at the C Wing registration desk.
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