Need Prayer

Prayer is often portrayed as something mysterious, available only to people who have an inside track to God. It isn’t. It’s simply communication with the One who created you and knows you better than anyone – and best of all, who wants to hear from you!

Christians are encouraged to pray to God individually and in groups, and to pray for each other. And like all good relationships, it involves listening as well as speaking.

We believe a relationship with God through prayer is not only beneficial, but essential to knowing Him and what He wants for us. And we want to pray for you and with you. No matter what you’re going through – whether what you’re experiencing makes you happy or sad – we want to join you in bringing your situation before God the Father.

In addition, you can place your prayer request on the “prayer wall” of Joni Parsley, Pastor Rod Parsley’s wife and a woman committed to continual prayer for others.

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Our children's ministry is always looking for volunteers. Inquire before or after WHC services at the C Wing registration desk.
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