What do I need to watch the stream?
This Internet stream is presented in the Adobe Flash video format and requires JavaScript and third-party plugins to be enabled in your modern web browser.  We recommend the Google Chrome web browser, and at least a 2 mbps broadband Internet connection download speed. Click here to check your Internet connection speed.

Please ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash Player installed.

My video is skipping or disconnecting and reconnecting often.
In order to accomodate various Internet connection speeds and providers, the stream is presented in 3 quality settings: At any time during a live service, you may switch between these quality settings by clicking "MENU" on the control bar of the player, and clicking "Quality." The current quality setting is outlined in red. Select one of the other options by clicking it. The stream will automatically reconnect to the stream setting you indicated.

The video and audio stopped or the player says "Establishing Connection" or "Timed out."
This may be a connection issue between your computer and the stream. Note that Peer 2 Peer software or other media streams (Hulu, Netflix, YouTube, etc.) should not be used when trying to view our stream. Check your Internet connection (Does this YouTube video play without stopping to buffer?). If everything seems to be working correctly, try closing and reopening your web browser and reconnecting to the stream, in order to be sure resource intensive background processes are disabled.

Still having trouble?
We apologize for the inconvenience.  Click here to report a technical issue with the stream.